Terms and Condition


Welcome to Techglide. By using our website, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. This means you understand and accept all the rules for using our website.

Hosting and Domain:

As a client, you are in charge of choosing and managing your domain name and hosting services. Our role at Techglide is to provide IT services that work with your chosen hosting platform. We’ll integrate our services with your hosting, but the management of the hosting and domain remains your responsibility.

Payment Terms:

All payments made to Techglide are final and non-refundable. We commit to delivering high-quality services and encourage you to talk to us about any concerns before you make a payment. This way, we make sure you are confident in your investment in our services.

Use of the Website:

When using our website, there are certain things you cannot do. These include: publishing our website materials elsewhere, selling or giving them to others for commercial use, showing them publicly, and using the website in a way that could harm it or prevent others from accessing it. Also, you’re not allowed to engage in data mining or similar activities on our site. Regarding content, anything you post on our site gives us the right to use, reproduce, adapt, and share it, but we don’t own it exclusively.

No Warranties:

Our website is offered “as is,” which means we don’t make any specific promises or guarantees about the website or the materials on it. We aim to provide a great service, but we can’t guarantee everything will always work perfectly or be error-free.

Limitation of Liability:

Techglide isn’t responsible for any indirect losses or damages that might happen from using our website. This includes things that might happen as a result of using our site that we couldn’t have predicted.


If you don’t follow these Terms and Conditions and that causes us problems or costs, you agree to cover these losses or expenses. This means if your actions lead to legal issues or costs for us, you’ll need to reimburse us.


We might change these Terms and Conditions occasionally. When we do, the new terms will take effect as soon as they’re posted on our website. It’s a good idea to check the terms regularly to stay up-to-date.

Portfolio Display Rights:

Techglide has the right to show work we’ve done for you, like your website, as part of our portfolio. This is to show potential clients what we can do. We promise to keep any confidential information private and won’t share sensitive details without your permission. By agreeing to these Terms, you’re okay with us using your project in our portfolio. However, if you don’t want us to feature your project, just let us know in writing, and we’ll respect your decision.

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